Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Your Biz: What's The Word On The Street?

We all know about the word on the street. There's what we see on t.v., there's what's done in the corporate world or other industry, there's what's heard on the news, but the real deal - is the word on the street. That's right - what really happened? How are things truly perceived?

The question today is what's the word on the street about your business? How do people you market to really 'see' you? If people are referring you customers - what are those customers saying about you after purchasing the service or product? What is it that they were too 'nice' to tell you in person? What is it that others in your industry wish they knew you well enough to say, but ... well... don't?  We're all worried people may take our constructive feedback the wrong way, especially those we only know in passing, but may be in the same line of work that we are or in the same networks.

Now, here's the thing about the word.... sometimes it's just plain ol' ignorant. Some people don't mean you any good and their word on the street should be ignored. Don't get down about what they say because it's not constructive, but destructive. Listen ONLY to what makes your business better... any thing that demeans is useless. 

A 'suggestions' form on your website is one great way to get feedback, as well as anonymous customer surveys.

How about you? What are some things you are doing to find out what the 'word on the street' is about your product or service? What have you heard that has helped you improve?


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