Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Christmas in July!

No I am not announcing a huge SALE! And I know it is the middle of summer and no one is thinking about Christmas, but now is the perfect time to do so!! Early planning can save you a world of stress as the holiday season approaches.

Thanks to a good friend, a light came on in my head one Christmas many many moons ago. Many people don’t pay their November/December bills to buy Christmas gifts or they will go into debt buying gifts on credit for people when they are barely buying groceries. This is crazy.

I was someone who seemed to never have enough money throughout the year, but found money during Christmas time for gifts. I have two big families with a lot of kids and a Secret Santa drawing for adults. I never charged Christmas gifts, but I did put off paying December’s bills - to my detriment later of course.

My friend, Temeka and I were talking one year during the holiday and when she saw all the money I spent on Christmas she was shocked. At the time, we were both single moms and she knew I couldn’t afford it. Temeka told me she asked her daughter what was one thing she wanted more than anything else and that is what she bought her. Temeka, her sister, and her mom had an understanding; they didn’t exchange gifts at all, no hard feelings, just love. The family came together for dinner and that was that. No pressure, no debt, just a nice Christmas.

I was hesitant at first. I thought people would be upset because they bought my kids gifts and I didn’t buy for theirs etc., etc. But I tried it that first year anyway. I bought my kids one big gift and a couple of small things, I bought for my mom and I did do the Secret Santa’s for both families, but that was it!! My bills were paid - it was freedom!!! No one disowned me, everyone understood and still bought things for my kids.

Now, I know everyone’s family is not as understanding, caring, loving, and wonderful as mine :-)). This has caused major riffs in some families - I've heard the stories. This shows you how much they value the true reason for the season. But we must do what is best for our families financially and not try to please everyone else. If you can afford to buy gifts for everyone – wonderful – do it. This isn’t a mantra against giving or Christmas. But when people are in debt and can’t pay their bills, buying gifts isn’t even on the priority list.

TIP: Now is the perfect time to begin saving for Christmas gifts or to start picking them up one by one - my aunt does this and is done with her shopping by October!

Disclaimer!!: You always have the one person who is a bit on the extreme side soo....I DO NOT suggest not buying your own children Christmas gifts, but you may be able to scale it down a little bit by buying the items that they want most. You could also begin family traditions that will last longer than the gifts ever will.

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