Monday, May 12, 2008

Real Talk...

Hey Dee -

With the economy being what it is, what suggestion do you have for an individual who every blue moon is able to take a breathe due to my head being above water, but it seems that as I get closer to the door of prosperity the futher away it seems. It reminds me of that scene in Poltergist when the mother goes to check on her children and the faster she ran to the door of thier bedroom the further away the door was.
Due to my past I understand that who I am, is a direct result of who I was. I commend you and all your efforts to inform people so that they can take care of themselves. If at any step in your plight to enlighten I can assist you with a bit of REAL TALK - you let me know.

Get at Ya Mans,



Conner Financial Coaching said...

hey roy,

Real talk, these are not easy times for many of us. We could go on and on about the ills of the nation - starting with the fact that the rate of foreclosures is at record breaking highs and we are paying $3.85 - $4.10 for a gallon of gas. It hurts, there's some serious pain being felt in many folks pockets, particularly people who were already living check to check, seniors, etc. Those who have money at the end of the month and all their ducks lined in a row, just have to make a few budget adjustments - others are grasping at straws for way to eat,let alone pay a car note.

As for your question, just keep heading toward the light Carol Ann.... ;-)

Life happens, you get a few dollars saved and the car breaks down, the fridge goes out or someone loses their job. You determine not to let the circumstances get you down, and keep getting back up after each blow, because at some point, you're going to get up and stay up. Real Talk.

Put into practice what you know about managing what you have - whether a lot or a little and make it work. Each pay, each month - tackle it again. Be disciplined, be diligent because right now every dime counts.

As for the past, many of us are paying financially for some foolish things we've done. Like Grandma said, chalk it up to experience..write that check every month...and keep on movin'.
....real talk.


Anonymous said...

I am in the same situation, it seems as if I can't save any money because it has to go toward a current or past due bill. Let alone groceries, gas, etc. I'm just trying to do extra work after my day job and truly spending only on what I need. I know it won't always be this way - so I just keep that in mind.


Anonymous said...

even though it's tough now, we can still be victorious when it comes to our own money. we have to remember that we are in control and not let what's going on around us sway us or get us down.