Monday, May 12, 2008

Paying The Price....

So, you've made some big financial mistakes? I’ve made some whoppers. We’ve all made some here or there. It's not the end of the world even though it seems that way when we're in the thick of it.

Okay, still a little down? I’ll give you one story for a good laugh at my expense....
Years ago a very charming lady knocked on my door with a super duper wonderful vacuum cleaner that floated on air and walked on water. It sucked up microscopic dirt out of carpet, mattresses, there was an attachment to blow up balloons and it even vacuum under the refrigerator. Ooooh Weee! All for the low, low price of $2,200 big ones! Are you serious? No thank you, pack it up, unless it will pay this mortgage too! A single mom, going to school, on a limited income, I certainly couldn't afford it. Plus, I didn't have any carpet!

Well then, Miss Charming says, hey you get yours free if you sell twenty in 90 days AND it will only take you a few hours a week to sell. I fell for it. I am a good salesperson, or so I thought, and 90 days is a long time to sell twenty of them. Mind you I had to finance mine first and only had 3 days from signing the paperwork to change my mind.

On the second day I called to return it - the thing was so cumbersome that you longed for a regular upright vacuum regardless of how much dirt and dust it blew back into the air. No, No, No – you need it – we’ll even throw in the super duper mopping attachment for free that is worth another $500. Call me sucker, because that’s what I was! I kept the vac and resolved to trying to sell twenty so I didn't have to pay for mine. DUMB DA DUMB DUMB DUMB.

Well I went on one appointment, to try to sell it, then I felt guilty – no one I knew could afford a $2,200 vacuum cleaner. Now, what kind of person am I if I try to sell it to them knowing this? Not to mention, to be a success at anything takes way more than just a few hours a week.

I struggled like crazy to pay it off, I was already overextended and couldn't squeeze $5 more dollars out of my budget let alone a monthly payment on a monster vac.

Did I mention that I have absolutely nooo carpet in my home? Hey, I hear you laughing!! In my defense, it had a hardwood floor sweeper thingee…um…that was useless....

Needless to say, salesmen cannot come to my door with the latest gadget and I don’t borrow for anything anymore. Praise God – the light has come.

So if you have goofed up with money and debt, it’s not the end of the world. Your problems may be bigger than a vacuum, but there's always hope. We always get a DO OVER. Yeah, you may have a mess to clean up, that's alright -begin again!

Read, listen to, devour, all the information you can about budgeting, paying your bills, saving money, planning for your future and staying out of debt. All of it won’t be good advice for you – so eat the hay and spit the sticks, but at least get on the road to changing your situation!

As for the super-duper vac? A girlfriend of mine has had it for quite some time now and I may get it back – if I ever buy carpet.

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