Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Navigating the Conference Scene!

Congratulating Mark and Tiffany Douglas as
their Detroit Avis Ford Dealership
won the B.E. 100s Award
The first year I attended the Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Conference a friend gave me valuable advice that helped me get featured in the magazine and meet some great people who attended as well. I'm going again this year and thought I'd add to that advice what I've learned over the years when conference hopping.  

Who Do You Want To Meet?

My friend suggested making a list of all the people I want to meet, researching them and being sure to say hello at the conference. Sound advice and I've even taken it a step further. Reach out to them on Twitter, Facebook or  Linkedin - I normally only pick one platform - twitter is my choice. 

If they've written a book, blog, article - check it out - comment on it, etc. Again, conversational, social, not stalkerish. When the conference arrives you've become acquainted and it's better than meeting 'cold'.

At The Conference...

Be social - when you are in business or looking to network for career purposes, you are the salesperson. Standing in the corner scowling and being 'anti' is not cool. No one is going to learn about your business, career path, or anything else about you if they think you will bite them if approached. So, no eating lunch alone, always keep a pleasant look on your face and make sure your body language also says 'hello'.

Don't Be Stuck Up... 

If you attend a conference with the idea that you only want to meet the speakers you will miss out on the wealth of knowledge you can gain from other attendees. I've made great contacts and been blown away by the accomplishments of attendees I've met at various conferences. Get to know the people around you, ask them questions about themselves, don't constantly talk and talk and talk and talk about yourself.

At the After Party...

Yeah - you know there's always an after party - (unless you never got out of that corner). Remember that you are not at home with your buddies. Watch your drinks, language, and character. You are still being watched. People are going to think twice about hiring, booking or doing business with the person who couldn't quite keep it together.  Have fun, enjoy yourself, but maintain your decorum. 

ps: Wallflowers - NO... you may not skip the after party! 

Final Tips:

Go to more than one conference per year if you can. Pick several conferences that relate to your personal, professional goals. 

Don't skip a conference because of something negative someone else says about it. If you want to go then go. Do your own research - your experience will probably be different. 

After the conference, send 'great meeting you' notes via email or handwritten cards to the people you were able to connect with. This is not the time to 'sell' them on how wonderful you are and how they absolutely need to hire you or use your services. 

DON'T: Add them to your email, newsletter, blog list without asking. Getting their business card is not permission to do so = SPAM! 

Check out this Black Enterprise article for more tips in.. 'Don't Be THAT Person!' by @AlfredEdmondJr

Have something to add to the list? Comment below on your conference pet peeves!

Happy Networking!

@DorethiaConner  |

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