Monday, May 30, 2011

Eat Healthy Without Breaking the Bank!

In this edition of #MoneyChat  @BenitaTyler of taps into her mommysense!  As a proud mother and wife, she shares her secrets on how to save money for your family while still eating healthy. (Big thanks to @LatoniyaAJones for filling in as host for me!)

Q1. My husband and I have three children. How do we eat healthy and be wealthy when natural and organic food costs so much?
Create an inventory list for the menu that you create. Scan the pantry for items already in stock so you’re not duplicating them; challenge yourself to use up what’s in the fridge and cupboards before buying more.
Make sure that you buy what you will eat. It’s easy to get caught up in the joys of cooking, but when you try too many new recipes at once - food often goes to waste. Try sticking to a few new recipes at a time instead of a total menu overhaul. This way you get to try them before blowing money on things you’re not likely to eat.

Q2. Some people have problems with restraining purchases for cars and clothes. I am a foodie who loves gourmet meals and fine restaurants. How can I draw the line when eating out?
Watch for grand openings and special occasions where fine restaurants often have great deals in order to get people to patronize their new place. You and your friends can also all order a different appetizer and share. This way you get to sample several dishes and enjoy the ambiance of a nice restaurant. 
Q3. I know I'm in the group of Americans they say waste up to 40% of the food they buy. What can I do to gain better control?
Plan selections that fit within your time frame – check the expiration dates of the food that you purchase. After shopping, prepare the items that can spoil the fastest and freeze what you can’t use right away. If you bought or cooked too much consider giving food away to a family member or neighbor.
Local businesses may also appreciate in-kind donations to share among their staff. We’re all a community and what better way to show your support than with a basket of fresh fruit or veggies grown from your organic garden. Give to hospices or school lunch programs. Buy items with “sell by” dates to get better deals before they are thrown away at grocer. Also if planting your own garden, only plant what you can reasonable grow and use. You can plan a few times per season – so that packet of seeds has the potential of going a much longer way.
Q4. What do we do about recipes that involve expensive ingredients?
Ingredients can be costly at the market so trying buying things like seasonings in bulk when you can. Your wholesale club like Sam's or Costco can be a great source for staples like flour, pepper, and nuts. It’s also a great place to save on organic fruits and veggies. Try substituting higher cost items for less expensive ones where you can. Perhaps the exotic fresh item that out of season can be replaced with items that are in frozen foods.
Q5. As my business grows, it is important to make a favorable impression on clients. How do we control meal/entertainment costs? It is an important piece of our total budget.
Plan meetings that are cost effective. Consider meeting over breakfast instead of a having a lunch appointment. You can also invite clients to meet at your location and have meals in-house. You can also have lunch delivered to your client and chat by phone. This leaves a good impression and cuts the meal costs in half. 
Q6. Any last tips?
Consider your tools carefully. It is worth the investment to buy quality cookware and storage containers that will last versus cheaper ones that will have to be replaced in a few years. This adds to your savings especially when you buy in bulk. Freezing items stretches the food budget a long way and can be done quickly and inexpensively with quality storage containers. Freezer bags are also great for separating items for smaller use. Instead of buying mini bags of fruits, vegetables and snack items, separate them into individual servings so that they’re conveniently ready for when you’re running out the door.

Join us every Monday night 8-9p ET for #MoneyChat an Online Twitter Convo - Real Talk About Your Money and Biz! 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Warhawk Matt Scott for NIKE - What's YOUR Excuse?

What's your excuse for not making it happen in your finances?

Someone else will handle it.
I can't afford it.
I'll just file bankruptcy... again.
I can do it myself - (how's that working for you?)
I'm financially set- what do I need a 'plan' for?
I don't want to face it.
Get out of debt? For What?
I'll just let the chips fall where they may.
It's too bad.
It's all good.
Emergency fund? That's for the rich.
I don't make enough to plan with.
My mental budgeting works just fine.
I'll start next year (you said that last year).

Personal Finance & Business Coach
I'm ready whenever you are....

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Navigating the Conference Scene!

Congratulating Mark and Tiffany Douglas as
their Detroit Avis Ford Dealership
won the B.E. 100s Award
The first year I attended the Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Conference a friend gave me valuable advice that helped me get featured in the magazine and meet some great people who attended as well. I'm going again this year and thought I'd add to that advice what I've learned over the years when conference hopping.  

Who Do You Want To Meet?

My friend suggested making a list of all the people I want to meet, researching them and being sure to say hello at the conference. Sound advice and I've even taken it a step further. Reach out to them on Twitter, Facebook or  Linkedin - I normally only pick one platform - twitter is my choice. 

If they've written a book, blog, article - check it out - comment on it, etc. Again, conversational, social, not stalkerish. When the conference arrives you've become acquainted and it's better than meeting 'cold'.

At The Conference...

Be social - when you are in business or looking to network for career purposes, you are the salesperson. Standing in the corner scowling and being 'anti' is not cool. No one is going to learn about your business, career path, or anything else about you if they think you will bite them if approached. So, no eating lunch alone, always keep a pleasant look on your face and make sure your body language also says 'hello'.

Don't Be Stuck Up... 

If you attend a conference with the idea that you only want to meet the speakers you will miss out on the wealth of knowledge you can gain from other attendees. I've made great contacts and been blown away by the accomplishments of attendees I've met at various conferences. Get to know the people around you, ask them questions about themselves, don't constantly talk and talk and talk and talk about yourself.

At the After Party...

Yeah - you know there's always an after party - (unless you never got out of that corner). Remember that you are not at home with your buddies. Watch your drinks, language, and character. You are still being watched. People are going to think twice about hiring, booking or doing business with the person who couldn't quite keep it together.  Have fun, enjoy yourself, but maintain your decorum. 

ps: Wallflowers - NO... you may not skip the after party! 

Final Tips:

Go to more than one conference per year if you can. Pick several conferences that relate to your personal, professional goals. 

Don't skip a conference because of something negative someone else says about it. If you want to go then go. Do your own research - your experience will probably be different. 

After the conference, send 'great meeting you' notes via email or handwritten cards to the people you were able to connect with. This is not the time to 'sell' them on how wonderful you are and how they absolutely need to hire you or use your services. 

DON'T: Add them to your email, newsletter, blog list without asking. Getting their business card is not permission to do so = SPAM! 

Check out this Black Enterprise article for more tips in.. 'Don't Be THAT Person!' by @AlfredEdmondJr

Have something to add to the list? Comment below on your conference pet peeves!

Happy Networking!

@DorethiaConner  |

Saturday, May 7, 2011

10 Money Saving Ways to Show MOM Love!

I hope you often shower your mother with praise and adoration, but of course, you can't forget her 'day'! Retailers love this weekend because people spend a mint buying dinner, purses, jewelry, artwork and other lovely things moms enjoy and deserve! 

Now, If you are feeling the pinch this year and trying to think of some ways to show mom just how much she means to you, while saving money at the same time, here are some ideas:
  1. Offer to clean her home 1 day a week for an entire month - (priceless in my book)
  2. Have a family fun day - have the kids put on a talent show for their grandmother
  3. Offer to run her errands - moms are so busy, anything that lightens the load is wonderful
  4. Cook a special dinner for your mother instead of making reservations - complete with flowers
  5. Create a video of family pictures set to music with funny or inspirational messages
  6. If you are handy with a tool belt -  fix up a few things around the house, paint, clean out the garage/basement
  7. Detail mom's car - give it a deep clean inside and out - leave a nice message on the dashboard
  8. Take mom to breakfast instead of dinner - allows her to relax the rest of the day
  9. Sometimes all that's needed is your company, spend the day watching movies, playing board games
  10. Give mom a big hug, big kiss and tell her what an impact she has made in your life... priceless
Wishing everyone a HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY... especially my own mother, who is a true gem, I thank God for placing her in my life.... 
