Monday, February 27, 2012

Biz Series: Making Conferences Worthwhile!

Congratulating Mark and Tiffany Douglas as
their Detroit Avis Ford Dealership
won the B.E. 100s Award
Black Enterprise Entrepreneurs Conference
On the #MoneyChat Biz Series we discussed conferences and as I prepared to re-write another post - I thought it better to simply update a previously written one. So here goes...

Choose Wisely!

Conferences aren't cheap: registration, hotel, airfare, food, books, etc - all add up. Ask others who have attended conferences about their experience. Check online forums, etc. - you may be able to gain insight on how to prepare.  Determine YOUR goal for attending each conference you choose. Do you want more media attention,  looking to land a job, need more awareness/sponsorships about your non-profit? Make sure the conferences you choose fit what you would like to accomplish.

Who Do You Want To Meet?

Make a list of people you want to meet, researching them and being sure to say hello at the conference. Reach out to them on Twitter, Facebook or  Linkedin - I normally only pick one platform - Twitter is my choice. If you choose Facebook, make sure it's their business page. 

If they've written a book, blog, or article - check it out - comment on it, etc. Be brief, conversational, not stalkerish and definitely not critical or negative. When the conference arrives you've become acquainted and it's better than meeting 'cold'.

At The Conference...

 Me & Ramit Sethi
Financial Blogger Conference
Be social - when you are in business or looking to network for career purposes, you are the salesperson. Standing in the corner scowling and being 'anti' is not cool. No one is going to learn about your business, career path, or anything else about you if they think you will bite them if approached. So, no eating lunch alone, always keep a pleasant look on your face and make sure your body language also says 'hello'.

Don't Be Stuck Up... 

If you attend a conference with the idea that you only want to meet the speakers you will miss out on the wealth of knowledge you can gain from other attendees. I've made great contacts and been blown away by the accomplishments of attendees I've met at various conferences. Get to know the people around you, ask them questions about themselves, don't constantly talk and talk and talk and talk about yourself.

At the After Party...

Yeah - you know there's always an after party - (unless you never got out of that corner). Remember that you are not at home with your buddies. Watch your drinks, language, and character. Save the moves like Jagger for your private time - you are still being watched. People are going to think twice about hiring, booking or otherwise doing business with the person who couldn't quite keep it together.  Have fun, enjoy yourself, but maintain your decorum. 

For my wallflowers - NO... you may not skip the after party! This is where a lot of business is done! Dancing, drinking may not be your thing - no problem, but there's no harm in standing along the sides making pleasant conversation, getting to know people better.

Final Tips:

Go to more than one conference per year if you can. Pick several conferences that relate to your personal, professional goals. 

Don't skip a conference because of something negative someone else says about it. If you want to go then go. Do your own research - your experience will probably be different. 

After the conference, send 'great meeting you' notes via email or handwritten cards to the people you were able to connect with. This is not the time to 'sell' them on how wonderful you are and how they absolutely need to hire you or use your services. 

Also - I could be wrong, but I'm not a fan of the mass email blast 'nice to meet you, here's my business pitch' follow ups. It's impersonal and doesn't say that you are trying to build a relationship. I prefer to send individual emails that note something we discussed during the session. On the other hand, I've walked away from a conference with hundreds of business cards, so I do understand.

DO NOT.... DO NOT ...add people to your email, newsletter, blog list without asking. Getting their business card is not permission to do so = SPAM!  It happens all the time and everyone hates it!! 

Check out this article for more tips in.. 'Don't Be THAT Person!' by @AlfredEdmondJr.

Have something to add to the list? Comment below on your conference pet peeves!

Happy Networking!

Join us every Monday night 8-9p ET for #MoneyChat - Real talk about money & biz!
@DorethiaConner  |

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Where to Stash Your College Savings Cash!

You are ready to begin investing for your children’s education – kudos to you! It’s understandable that deciding where to save may be a tough decision to make. We’re here to help! Below are four college savings options for you to evaluate, consider which one or the combination that is best for your family.

529 College Savings Plans

529 College Savings plans are a very attractive solution to saving for college. They were created in 1996 in section 529 of the IRS code – hence the name. They are essentially mutual funds for college savings. Therefore, they contain a mix of investments in stocks, bonds, real estate, and money market funds. Over the life of the account, contribution limits range from $100,000 - $300,000 based on the rules of your state and your money grows tax free. You don’t have to buy a 529 only in the state you live in; research which state offers the best plan for your goals and you can invest there. Another bonus is the low investment minimums – you can open an account with as little as $25 in most cases.  There’s no age limit on beneficiaries or time limit on distributions..... (More)


Looking to jump start YOUR 2012 money management or business game plan? 

Join us for #MoneyChat every Monday night 8-9p ET on Twitter!
On Twitter? #Follow: @DorethiaConner & @MoneyChatLive 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Biz: A Medical Savings Account for the Self Employed?

by Benita Tyler, Business Accountant & Tax Planner

Q. I run my own company and plan to hire two employees this year. I'm researching medical savings account and wondered if there is any tax advantages for me as a self-employed business owner?

AFrom the standpoint of tax planning, two Medical Savings Account (MSA) that you should consider are the Archer MSA and the Medicare Advantage MSA. Both plans operate like an IRA to lower your taxable income and income tax with tax free savings contributions. However, unlike IRA's where there may be a penalty for early withdrawal, an MSA provides you with access to tax-free withdrawals without penalty as long as they are used to pay for health care costs. 

Some points to note for each account are: 
  • The Archer MSA is restricted to self-employed and/or the employees of small businesses 
  • The Medicare Advantage requires you to be enrolled in Medicare in order to qualify. 
In addition to the tax advantages there is also the benefit of paying lower health care premiums. The offset to lower premiums, however, is higher deductibles which is something to factor in as you decide which health coverage is right for you. 

Note: Ms. Tyler is not compensated for suggesting these plans and is not responsible whether or not it works for you. She's simply giving alternatives for you to research and make a decision that suits your needs... Okay? Good! Thanks for reading!
Benita Tyler, the Financial Messenger and President of TBS USA,  started as a business support company in 1999.  In 2000, Benita began advising business owners on income taxes and helping them customize financial systems to increase profits and savings.  In 2003, Benita pioneered the “Wealthy Place Appraisal” a proprietary 7-step process that she uses to help business owners determine which decisions are moving them closer to wealth goals and which are causing them to lose ground. 

Get your appraisal and more at! 

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Choosing a College: In-State vs. Private Universities....

So you are thinking about what type of college your child might attend and calculating the costs. Should they go to public, should they go to private and how will you pay for either one? It’s important to be prepared and intentional, as planning for college also affects how quickly you reach other personal finance goals. We all know that private schools can cost up to 3x’s more than a public university.   Therefore not only consider  your budget, but also make sure the school is a good fit for your child’s personality and study habits.  Here are a few tips   to help you along the way.

Know the difference! 
  • Public colleges – (average tuition, room/board range: 13,000 - $30,000 per year) funded by the State, therefore tuition isn't the only source of funding allowing for lower tuition rates, more scholarships available.  In-state college is going to be cheaper as they give preference to residents. 
  • Private colleges – (average tuition, room/board range: 35,000 – 50,000 per year) funded by tuition and ... (More)

Join us for #MoneyChat every Monday night 8-9p ET on Twitter!

On Twitter? #Follow: 
@DorethiaConner & @MoneyChatLive 


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

#MoneyChat Biz Series: Startup Reality!

Hey #MoneyChat FAM! I hope you all are doing well... I'm confined to my couch with Theraflu and a box of tissues... the Detroit winter has been so mild, some of us (ME) forgot it was indeed... WINTER!  I wanted to make sure I posted this recap of Monday's chat that kicked off our Biz Series. Check it out, share it with your friends and JOIN US for #MoneyChat every Monday night 8-9p. ET! 


As a business coach, I work with a lot of people who are looking to leave their jobs eventually and start their own business. Part of helping them do that is also making sure they have a realistic view of what it will truly take.....

... of sleeping in, long vacations, and loads of dough? WAKE UP! Entrepreneurship is hard work. You may get tired of hearing people say make sure you choose a business you will love, that you are passionate about, but it's the best advice ever. When the days get long, when you have to pay everyone but yourself, when you have not had a vacation in several years - you will NEED that love and passion. 

One poster said she had friends who had started businesses and were using names that weren't registered. That's a waste of energy and demonstrates a lack of seriousness about your business. Why go through the trouble of building a brand, getting postcards, business cards, etc. and your name isn't registered? Someone else could legitimately use the same name because they took the time to get their paperwork in order. Take care of your paperwork, your taxes, keep your books in order from the start.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

College Savings: You Don't Have to Be Rich, You Just Need a Plan!

Here's another post from my column over at (@Adaptu on Twitter).. I write about all things college savings related.. check it out and be sure to comment!

One question I get all the time is ‘when is a good time to start saving for my child’s education?’ My answer – as soon as you can! Whether your children are toddlers or teenagers it’s never too late or too early to start saving for college. Of course the amount you can save is based on your budget and household expenses, but it is important to set a goal, even if you will have to begin later. Don't allow the costs of college to overwhelm you, do what you can. Create a strategy for where you are now, and stick to it.

 Two key things you need to consider are:

  1. How long you have before your child/children graduate high school &.....
  2. How much you can afford to set aside each month

Let’s just say the average cost of college whether private or public is $25,000 per year. Remember this amount fluctuates depending on the school.  It also doesn't take into consideration inflation or annual tuition increases - but it’s a good starting point, so let’s crunch the numbers.... (More)

Looking to jump start your 2012 financial or business goals? Visit

See you for #MoneyChat tomorrow! 8-9p ET on Twitter!

On Twitter? #Follow: 
@DorethiaConner & @MoneyChatLive 

Friday, February 10, 2012

What Affects Your Kid's Financial Aid Money?

A lot of NEW things going on at #MoneyChat! For starters, this blog will soon be completely 
revamped, #MoneyLIVE is going on tour  AND  I am the College Savings Coach for  Adaptu is a one stop shop for all your money management needs - they also have a pretty cool app (Adaptu Wallet) too!  Check out my articles, comment, start a discussion and oh yeah - repost! Thanks!

It can be quite a task to navigate the financial aid process. It’s difficult to keep up with what is and what isn’t counted toward the expected family contribution (EFC) amount when deciding how to pay for college. It may stun some of you to know that the parent’s assets are not weighed as much as the student’s in calculating financial aid awards. That’s right, the formula used assesses a family's need and EFC is based on 5.64% of parents’ assets and 20% of assets in a child's name or custodial account.

For instance Coverdell ESA’s and 529 Plans are not considered the child’s asset, but a parent’s, and thus included in the 5.64% parent calculation mentioned above. Custodial accounts... (More)