There are so many twists and turns in this life. As I always say – you don’t know which way the wind may blow. Don’t be so focused on your career or your money that you forget to live. Living doesn’t mean you have to take extravagant vacations or buy expensive cars, clothes or attain the corner office with the river view. Worrying about what you don't have and letting that stop you from being grateful for another day is a miserable way to live each day, month, year.
It doesn’t cost a thing to sit down and catch up with an old friend, take a walk with the kids. There’s plenty of free family entertainment at bookstores and libraries. Make your own fun at home – you don’t always have to go out. A home cooked meal for friends and family with lots of laughter and games is just as fun, if not more, than an expensive night out at a swanky hot spot.
Don’t make living so hard, accept where you are without comparing how much money other's may have or the kind of job they have. Yes, definitely set your financial and career goals and move toward them – but don’t beat yourself up each year because you haven’t ‘attained’ whatever you are seeking. Keep moving forward; balance your ambition by enjoying the journey. Living life on purpose, ~Dorethia 800.962.2491